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4 Premium Discount Codes
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There’s a brand new release by, Geoff and Susie O’Dea, and the topic is all about Chronic Liars. The content covers the different types of liars we may need to deal with in life. There are pathological liars, compulsive liars… there are deceitful people everywhere.
The report covers another type of liar, a gaslighter. This will help your customers to ‘Beware of Gaslighting’ and gaslighters!
There are different purchase options for you, so you can choose the price that suits you!

Here’s what’s included in this offer:
- ‘Beware of Gaslighting’ Report (Formatted, disclaimer, introduction and conclusion added and fully illustrated)
- Report eCover Graphics (Many styles, JPG and PNG Formats, Plus PSD File.)
- Squeeze Page and Download Page
- ‘Call to Action’ Graphic
- Autoresponder Emails (5 emails to upload to your autoresponder.)
- Articles (10 articles in both written and audio formats. The MP3 formats are in both male and female recordings)
- Liars eBook (The articles have been repurposed to create the eBook. It includes a disclaimer, table of contents, introduction and conclusion. Fully illustrated with royalty-free, commercial use images.)
- eBook eCover Graphics.
- Workbook and cover graphics.
- Social Posters (Eye-catching graphics to get noticed!)
- Social Media Posts (Ready to post into your favorite social platforms.)
- Infographics (Professionally created for professionals! )